Battle of Dreams Island Battle for Dream Island Again
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20 contestants. one island. Battle for Dream Isle.
Battle for Dream Island is a unique animated comedy web serial created by Flash animators and sibling duo Cary (who later created Ten Words of Wisdom) and Michael Huang, a.k.a. jacknjellify. Inspired past Total Drama Island in premise, and Homestar Runner in fine art style and animation way, its enduring popularity led it to become i of the starting time and most successful of the Object Show style of web animation.
Okay, so in that location'south this luxurious island. And at that place are 20 anthropomorphic objects that all want the island for themselves. Simply simply one will get to own it. Who is it? The teardrop? The ice cube? The sponge? The flower? The tennis ball? Or whatsoever of the xv others? Well, there's merely one way to settle this... and it'southward a reality serial, where they will compete in challenges until but i remains.
But who will get voted off each episode? That is entirely up to the viewers. Each episode comes out on a monthly footing, and with each episode crazier than the one before it, who will end upwards winning the big prize is anyone'southward estimate!
The first flavor began on January 1, 2010, with new episodes every month. Information technology finished on January 1, 2012. A second flavor, Battle For Dream Island Again began on June 29, 2012, but suffered serious Schedule Sideslip, and has had no new episodes since August 2013, despite Jacknjellify repeatedly stating it will come up dorsum. It finally did on September 1st, 2016... as a "3rd season", IDFB, which was also Cut Brusk subsequently the first episode.
And then a quaternary, more than airheaded, random, surreal, looser, and oddly nighttime flavour, named Boxing for BFDI, came into existence on Nov 3rd, 2017. It has all the BFDI and BFDIA characters in it, including the ones flung to the LOL, along with some new characters, for a total of 64 contestants—the hosts, Four and X, came from a previous animation called "X Finds Out His Value".
On Baronial 29, 2019, American book company Scholastic published an official character guide for the testify, which describes all the 64 contestants.
On January ane, 2020, BFDI turned 10 years former, becoming one of the longest-running web series of all time in the process.
The series splintered into ii shows on March 25, 2020, with the release of "The Escape From 4", the 16th episode of Boxing for BFDI. The episode acted as a double Backstairs Pilot for both a new show named Battle for Dream Island: The Power of 2 (abbreviated "TPOT"), which has a new host, Two, and took most of the contestants, and Battle for BFB, a continuation of Battle for BFDI still featuring 4 as the host, which takes the remainder.
TPOT released on January tenth 2021. Battle for BFB (now with a much smaller bandage) wrapped up April 9th, 2021, meaning that the BFDI franchise has finally finished a second season. Just took 11 years.
The success of the evidence inspired many shows in a similar vein, like Inanimate Insanity, Object Overload, Brawl of the Objects and more.
The series tin can exist found here.
At present with its ain drinking game!
This show provides examples of:
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Tropes in the original BFDI
- Absurd Phobia:
- Woody has a lot of them, to an almost comical extent. These include, but are not limited to:
- Blocky
- Breaking apart
- The number five
- Tests (referred to as "testophobia")
- The colour gray. He even suffered a fatal heart attack because of information technology in the finale of the original BFDI.
- Eraser (and to a lesser extent, Pen) freaks out at all mentions of pentagons. When he realizes a pentagon-shaped object (Foldy) is on his team, he does not like it. Justified Trope, as he keeps getting Jump Scared by pentagons (
although information technology may be in his mind).
- Woody has a lot of them, to an almost comical extent. These include, but are not limited to:
- A Dog Named "Dog": Nearly all of the characters are named after the objects they resemble (i.east. Flower is a flower, Needle is a sewing needle, Bubble is a chimera, etc.), with some notable exceptions being David, Dora, Loser, and the Announcer.
- A Cadger Named "Liz": BFDI had fix the standard for some characters on object shows to take "-y" at the end of their self-explanatory name. List as followed Balloony, Bomby, Blocky, Bracelety, Cloudy, Coiny, Discy, Eggy, Fanny, Firey, Firey Jr, Foldy, Gaty, Grassy, Leafy, Naily, Nonexisty, Rocky, Roboty, Spongy, Stapy, VHSy and Woody
- All the Worlds are a Stage: The final claiming in Episode 23, "Hurtful," recalls every single challenge that had been completed up to that point, with just four contestants left in the game.
- Breathing Inanimate Object: All of the contestants (sans David and Dora) are these.
- Animation Bump: Certain sequences in some episodes have much more fluid, exaggerated animation than normal. A major one is the animation as of BFB 13, being given a higher budget. (Examples include the opening of episode 15, most of episode xx afterward the black hole scene, and IDFB's opening.)
- Anyone Tin Die: Though the Recovery Centers hateful that Death Is Inexpensive. Unless the recovery source is destroyed, which has happened multiple times.
- Apr Fools' Twenty-four hour period:
- In Episode 4, "Sweet Molar" (2010), the episode starts with a message that the video has been removed, only to say "APRIL FOOL'Southward!" shortly subsequently.
- In Episode 16, "Bowling, Now With Explosions!" (2011), the beginning of the episode uses puppet animation.
- Armless Biped: Being the ane who started the trend in the showtime place, BFDI is the very starting time to take armless characters in an object show, best exemplified by the abundant number of them on the bear witness. annotation Avocado, Basketball, Cake, Clapboard, Clock, Discy, Eggy, Fanny, Foldy, Gaty, Golf Brawl, Ice Cube, Naily, Nickel, Rocky, Price Tag, Salt Lamp, Snare Drum, Spongy, Tape, Tennis Brawl, Idiot box and Winner And this doesn't include the variations such equally legless note Lightning, Stapy, and Shopping Cart and limbless note 8-Ball, Announcer, Bell, Blackness Pigsty, Camera, Cloudy, Firey Speaker Box, Pin (For the entirety of BFDIA 5), Puffball, Puffball Speaker Box, Purple Face, Roboty and Yellow Face characters.
- Art Shift:
- David, Dora, and Yellow Confront are all drawn in a much cruder style than the rest of the show.
- The Long Lost Yoyle Urban center (and, less noticeably, Davidland) are blithe in the 3D modeling program Blender, while the rest of the show is blithe in 2D. The sequence where the contestants race upwards Yoyle Mountain uses the 2D contestants in a 3D environment.
- Flavor 4 uses a completely unlike animation way, most likely because it's easier to animate.
- Season 4 also has Eternal Algebra Grade (or Get out, as its more commonly referred) which, like Yoyle City, is a 3D renderred surround with second animated characters.
- Artistic License – Physics: In general, the testify plays very fast and loose with the laws of physics - plenty that one fan fabricated 4 trivia videos discussing these inaccuracies.
- Audition Participation: Mostly, the audience is the ane who votes off the characters. However, at that place are times where that responsibleness is given to other characters, and the viewers are instead asked to vote an eliminated contestant back into the game. Equally of BFB 17 the voting organization has swapped to saving contestants. And then there's the recommended characters who cameo in most every episode...
- Batman Can Breathe in Space: Anybody can in "Gardening Hero", due to budget cuts.
- Subverted in BFB 20, "A Taste of Space". The Have Cots immediately begin to suffocate later on Gelatin breaks the plastic wrap windows. Luckily, Four gives them air for the Block and Stake and this trope is Played Straight due to the fact that the Have Cots were able to stand on the surface of the sun itself! Although Lollipop does begin to cook.
- Berserk Button:
- Needle does not like existence called "Needy". Her first instinct is to slap the offender and say "Don't phone call me Needy!" Sometimes, it actually benefits the offender, intentionally or otherwise.
- Book volition freeze you with a syringe if you call her "well-read".
- Big Damn Hero: In Episode 25, "Return of the Hang Glider", the contestants determine to execute Leafy with Bloom's crusher for stealing Dream Isle. Firey swoops in with the hang glider and saves Leafy at the last moment.
- Bigger on the Inside: The TLC. When viewed from the outside in Ten-ray view, the eliminated contestants are packed tight. When viewed from the inside, at that place is enough of room within.
- Large "NO!":
- In episode 6, Snowball does this when he gets Rocky and Golf Ball on his squad.
- Parodied in episode 8. Snowball does this again when he isn't chosen for the relay race; it'southward sped upwards this time.
- In episode 17, Leafy does one afterwards shattering Ice Cube over again (later on spending hours trying to recover her), causing them to fail the claiming.
- Bittersweet Ending: The starting time season. Leafy escapes an execution attempt from the other contestants with the assistance of Firey, but without recovery centers, they are all doomed to the restraints of mortality. Fortunately, a Hand Powered Recovery Center is created in the next flavor, but Leafy still has a bad reputation among the contestants.
- Bookends:
- The first and last words spoken in the starting time season was "yeah", said by Match to Pencil. Pencil fifty-fifty lampshades this only before it happens.
- As well, every bit lampshaded by the Journalist, Blossom was the first and last contestant to be eliminated.
- Breather Episode:
- BFDI episode 11, "Lofty", which is the shortest episode in the series, and also happens right before the merge.
- BFB 12 also counts as one of these, only having major consequences for a few teams. Right later on these ii is the intense two-parter that is BFB 13 and xiv, and BFB fifteen is filled with revelations almost several key relationships, as well as the chaotic aftermath of North Goiky existence flooded with lava. Correct after that is BFB sixteen, which introduces 2, every bit well as splitting the show autonomously into two different shows.
- After iv cluttered and dramatic episodes in a row, BFB 17 is definitely this.
- After a bunch of long episodes BFB 25's short length is this.
- Bankrupt the Rating Calibration: In episode 4, the Magic Die of Judgement invokes this several times:
- Golf Ball gets a 0 because at that place was dirt in her block, and she didn't realize it. When the die shows its score, she complains that that'south not even possible.
- Leafy is the third to present a strawberry block, and then the Journalist gives her a four, and Flower gives her a 0. The die gives her a 15.
- It is probable that the die also gave Woody a high score, because that he had a higher score than almost of the others with strawberry cakes.
- Catchphrase: Many.
- Bubble: "Oh Noio!" and "Yoylecake!"
- David: "Aw, seriously?" — which is (almost) the just thing he says.
- For Eraser, an annoyed "WHICH IS?"
- Water ice Cube: "I want revenge!"
- Needle: "Don't call me Needy!"
- Bomby has "Oh no Firey, yous lit my fuse!", though it is barely intelligible.
- Gelatin: "Alright, you just need to calm down." and "In that location isn't enough room up here!"
- Fanny: "I HATE [insert character or subject field here]!"
- eight-Ball: "I don't have a favorite number."
- Canteen: "I'm so excited to start preventing death! ...and [insert character hither] is dead!"
- The Cake Is a Lie: Sometimes the safety contestants don't get any cake at a Block at Stake ceremony. They might get something else instead... or naught at all.
- Cerebus Syndrome: In Season 2, more consistent story arcs were introduced, the characters could retain a status for several episodes, and in general, more depth was added to the cast.
- Chekhov's Gag:
- Ane of Yellow Confront'south commercials advertises a box of paper slips that he claims can exist used to create money. Pen uses it twice afterward (commencement to become a taco from Leafy, and later in an endeavour to ransom the viewers into getting voted back into the game). Then Leafy does the aforementioned in order to buy Dream Island in the finale.
- The ferris wheel scene with Firey and Leafy ends up beingness one of the near of import scenes in the flavor. First, it leads to the reveal that Leafy cannot exist revived since the Recovery Centers are sold. So, Leafy is denied access to Dream Island because of this, and this fact kickstarts all the events of the finale.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Pretty much every contestant qualifies as one, but nearly notably Puffball, Rocky, and Xanthous Face. 10 is this in BFB, simply information technology'southward extreme with 4, who are about an Eldritch Abomination in their own right.
- Cluster Blip-Bomb: In Episode 19, David rolls downwardly a hill and bleeps to the tune of "Mary Had a Little Lamb".
- Cold Open up: Every episode has one, usually a short skit that only occasionally has whatever relevance to the regular plot.
- Confusing Multiple Negatives: At one elimination, the announcer tells the eliminated contestant:
Announcer: You didn't not own't not go no any none of nothing.
- Convection Schmonvection: Episode 22 has the contestants escaping from an active volcano. Firey can handle the lava just fine, but as for the others, well... the Recovery Center goes into overdrive.
- Apocryphal Cash: Exists in the form of a box of paper slips being advertised by Yellow Face. Later used by Leafy to steal Dream Island.
- Crippling Overspecialization: Implied with Bloom'southward Journalist Crusher, which she attempted to crush the Announcer with in Barriers and Pitfalls. Once information technology collided with Golf Brawl, information technology crumbled and exploded, implying that information technology was only good at crushing the Announcer and nothing else.
- Curb-Stomp Boxing:
- The Squashy Grapes are twice equally big as the Squishy Cherries past Episode 9.
- In BFDIA's outset challenge, one team is several times as big equally the other. Despite pulling in several more people later, the 2d squad can only rival the first in challenges by means of a lucky elimination prize, a literal Cartoon Bomb, and a stick which tin fly 2760 miles.
- Curse Cut Short: Implied in the intro to episode eighteen.
- Cute, but Cacophonic: Bubble gets on Match and Pencil'south fretfulness until their eliminations.
- Darker and Edgier: In the early episodes, dying and being recovered was something that only a select few characters (Bubble, Ice Cube etc.) had to argue with. However, in later episodes and seasons, being killed is a regular occurrence with several contestants dying in each episode. Even the
Wiki lists all the deaths that happened in the series
- Several episodes qualify for this:
- The 24th episode, "Insectophobe's Nightmare 2" hits this when Leafy burns to expiry. When she doesn't come dorsum, the Announcer says that all of the recovery centers have been destroyed. Afterwards, he releases tons of bugs. Every bit the remaining contestants run, Flower gets striking past a meteor, Firey gets eaten past a bug, and after the Announcer reveals he fabricated the bugs, he pops Bubble. It soon turns into one-act soon after with the David Cloner, and then the revelation that the contestants faked their deaths, but it withal is shocking to see all of the remaining cast dead.
- The finale of Season one, "Return of the Hang Glider" starts out with the usual lighthearted comedy, merely it becomes even darker around the six infinitesimal mark. Afterwards winning Dream Island, Firey lets everyone in, except for Leafy, because it injure his feelings when she wanted to go out of the Ferris Bike. Leafy and so steals Dream Island, rendering the whole contest a "Shaggy Canis familiaris" Story. Around 8 minutes in, Blossom crosses the
Moral Upshot Horizon, destroying all of the recovery centers and killing Bubble. She and then dies by being crushed past a UFO. Woody also dies from a heart attack due to his fear of gray. Then, Pivot declares that Leafy deserves the death sentence for stealing Dream Island. Thankfully, information technology ends on a sweeter note as Firey saves Leafy, and they fly off into the sunset, but information technology'southward footling alleviation for the numerous nighttime twists.
- Another very nighttime one is BFDIA episode 5c, "No More Snow!" First, Scarlet accidentally kills Bubble by popping her, so Ice Cube and Match die when she presses the wrong button on Evil Leafy, and and so Pencil gets vaporized when Reddish presses another wrong button. It seems like they volition be brought back, only the Hand Powered Recovery Center was inside of Evil Leafy, and then they're expressionless forever. Scarlet then dies of sadness. W.O.A.H Bunch then falls off a cliff with a spiky lesser, so they press Spongy on the spikes. Everyone gets across, just not Needle. This leads to them killing her with fire, resulting in a pretty scary scene. To make matters worse, Fries, Rocky, Puffball, Golfball, Gelatin, Firey, and Lawn tennis Brawl had already died, leaving but 7 people left. They thankfully come up back, but it's still dark.
- BFB 14 has a giant lava apocalypse start and impale half of the contestants and it continues into the next episode.
- Deadly Dodging: Pin throws a knife at Leafy. Leafy jumps to avoid it, causing it to fly towards the rest of the cast. Everyone else jumps out of the way, and it hits Puffball's speaker box.
- Death Is Cheap:
- Due to Recovery Centers that will respawn anyone upon death. This gets zig-zagged in BFDIA: the recovery centers are destroyed, so many characters who died concluding flavour cannot come back. And so Teardrop wins a Manus-Powered Recovery Heart, leading to this trope happening again.
- While recovery centers are no longer effectually in BFB, Four has the ability to revive any dead contestant. Afterward he got killed off for a period of time, whatsoever contestants who die remain dead indefinitely. In BFB 10, he comes back, though, and every expressionless contestant during his absenteeism gets recovered.
- Diabolus ex Machina:
- Blocky is missing in episode ii, causing his team to lose valuable fourth dimension.
- In the mini-teams claiming, the Coiny-Needle-Ice Cube team beats Snowball, Rocky and Golf Brawl to the final gate, only to exist pushed away past Snowball at the concluding infinitesimal, causing their team to be up for elimination. Information technology's fifty-fifty worse considering all the most unpopular Grapes were on the latter team.
- In episode 9, Another Name is leading the iii-legged race until they encounter a tight rope. Firey has a fear of heights. They place second.
- This is basically everything that happened in "Lofty".
- The maroon balls in episode thirteen, which will result in a loss of ten points for anyone who picks them up. Lucifer falling in the danger zone and being eliminated was aided by one of those penalties.
- Blocky and Pencil were both screwed by the game's twists - the get-go was sitting in 3rd place on the leaderboard by the end of episode 16, but went upward for elimination and got the nigh votes due to only Firey getting amnesty this episode, and the latter won the contest in episode 18, but because of the double-digit points looping over, ended up in the danger zone and likewise got eliminated.
- "Gardening Hero", which is "Lofty" taken up to 11.
- The "Delete Pole" and "Restore Pole" buttons in episode 23.
- Why did Leafy finish up the but one not immune admission to Dream Island by Firey? She died on a Ferris wheel and he felt injure by information technology.
- WOAH Bunch winning the 2d challenge. See Gambit Roulette.
- And over again when Puffball betrays her squad for the prize, and Coiny throws a stick 2,760 miles that lands on the magnet button in the FreeSmart SuperVan.
- Disproportionate Retribution:
- It is considered perfectly normal to slap someone who got your name incorrect, or committed some other minor offence.
- Flower kicks Ice Cube merely considering she didn't remember Blossom was cute.
- Leafy gives Water ice Cube a red brawl she found to help her in the contest. Unfortunately, it turns out to exist a maroon brawl, and then Ice Cube incurs a penalization. The adjacent episode, Ice Cube lets a Concatenation of People fall when Leafy calls for help.
- In BFDIA 4, Golf Ball kicks Fries into an incinerator because he called her manufactory a waste product of time. Pencil suffers the aforementioned fate moments later, just for calling Golf Ball snobby.
- Puffball takes abroad Pin'south limbs (admitting reluctantly) because she (accidentally) stabbed her speaker box.
- Spongy kills near everyone thank you to the lava apocalypse he created in BFB 14, but because his team forgot about him.
- Flower kicks people due to them not liking her sweaters in BFB 23.
- Divergent Character Evolution:
- Firey and Coiny started off every bit immature arch-enemies who often got into footling slap-fights for an unexplained reason. Over time, Firey was established every bit somewhat ditzy and Innocently Insensitive, likewise gaining some Keet traits, while Coiny became a charismatic Schemer with more leadership skills.
- Pencil and Match were BFFs with similar personalities, merely they were differenced later on on. Both have Jerkass tendencies, just Pencil is snarky, apathetic, and a Manipulative Bowwow, while Match is a full-on Valley Girl and has more enthusiasm than Pencil.
- Drowning Pit: In episode eighteen, the eliminated contestants endeavor to escape from the TLC. This fails, and the TLC falls into the lake, with h2o slowly pouring in. Fortunately, the ascension sun lifts the TLC out of the lake just in fourth dimension.
- Early on Installment Weirdness:
- Rocky spoke in the very first episode, simply he has otherwise been The Voiceless, save for ii occasions: a quick gag in Episode 19 and in BFB episode 12 when an impostor gives away his identity by talking while in Rocky'due south body.
- Snowball is style less mean than in later episodes, and would only bully someone if they pressed his button, rather than him existence mean on his ain.
- Pivot was a heroic jerk who only bullied others to get them to help her out, yet she still cared for her team.
- Easter Egg: In the finale of Season 1, Eraser points out that the first give-and-take of Episode 1, the second word of Episode 2 and and then on, put together will class a coherent but somewhat redundant sentence. Season 2 does the same matter, just merely the first 5 words are known.
- Eject the Loser: The eliminated contestants are either flung into the TLC or teleported there by lasers, depending on the progression of the show. In BFB, Four absorbs the eliminated contestants.
- Elmuh Fudd Syndwome: A variant. Bubble says an "oi" sound for about vowels.
- Everybody Cries: At i point in 1 episode (and in Total Firey Island), all the contestants take to cry to fill up upwardly the container equally a claiming.
- Everyone Tin can Run into It: At to the lowest degree Coiny does. Lawn tennis Ball and Golf Ball insist otherwise.
- Exact Words: When the Squashy Grapes split upwardly, Leafy opts to keep the team name for her group. Firey tries to practice the same, just Golf Brawl says it has to be another name. Therefore, the second group is chosen "Another Name."
- Several squad names are this in BFB and TPOT.
- Fast-Forrad Gag: In episode 6, Snowball makes a Big "NO!". In episode 8, he does information technology again, except information technology's sped up.
- Formula-Breaking Episode:
- Episode 5b
of the 2d flavor is a Platform Game, compared to the other parts of Episode 5 (And all other episodes in general), which are all regular Flash animations.
- "Welcome Back", the starting time episode in three years, was quite different, featuring piece-of-life one-act antics instead of challenges, and voting for a graphic symbol to return instead of being eliminated. Even the name is different, now known every bit IDFB.
- Episode 5b
- The Fourth Wall Volition Non Protect You: Played for Laughs - Flower has a tendency to threaten the audience whenever she has the chance to get back in the game.
"You lot'd amend vote for me, or... or I'll stretch you!"
- Freeze-Frame Bonus: If the Unreadably Fast Text doesn't waste your time, it will explain situations that seem out of the blue.
- The Announcer'due south Diary in episode 19 explains why episode 20 takes place in space.
- In episodes 18, xix, and BFDIA 2, Dora explains why she eats islands and that she doesn't like David.
- Sometimes, when Bleh's name is said by a character, their oral cavity changes into the shapes of the characters on that squad for a frame or ii.
- Pausing when Cloudy'southward collection is on-screen shows that new items are added near every single time it appears. In addition, the blueberry bush in said drove grows as well.
- For a few frames when Golf Ball says "Only watch!" in Zeeky Boogy Doog, you tin can see the price of telling Yellow Face how a vat can pour an island get up by $80.
- Fully Automatic Clip Show: In episode 3, the Announcer asks Pin if she wants to utilise her win token. She declines because she can't retrieve of anything mean she has done that would make people want to vote her off. Cue a supercut of all the mean things she has done in the past two episodes.
- Fun with Acronyms:
- Battle for Dream Isle is often referred to as its shortened form, BFDI. There is an in-universe pranking company called "Blocky'south Funny Doings International".
- BFDIA has the squad "Wheel Ooze a Hole Bunch", which is abbreviated to "W.O.A.H. Bunch".
- The third flavour is called IDFB.
- BFB has the team "Expiry Prevention and Creating Trust." It ends up being shortened to "Death P.A.C.T."
- Hope Spot: This will only apply if you hate Leafy, only in the finale, it seems that she will finally be executed once and for all. Then Firey swoops in...
- Informed Kindness: While Leafy is a nice character, she does have several mean moments. She gets mad at Bubble for tossing away her present for the sake of winning one round of a staring contest. Later Bubble apologizes, Leafy accepts the apology only claims Bubble has a ways to get earlier she can be as squeamish as her. Leafy then pulls out a list of levels of niceness that states that she'south 8 levels in a higher place "reality-ending nice," while all the other contestants, asides from Bubble, are style below the "hateful" level, despite many of them being Leafy's friends. Then Leafy steals Dream Island afterwards Firey denies her entrance. BFB 2 continues this trend with Leafy killing Balloony then getting eliminated. In BFB 27 she kills iii people.
- Instrumental Theme Tune: The first two seasons use a short bass guitar piece
by "beatloaf" of
- Wiggle Jock: Blocky, Eraser, and Snowball in the get-go season. Snowball is specially mean to Golf Ball, who is smart, bossy, and physically disadvantaged against him.
- Killed Off for Existent: Implied for several characters. BFDIA does not reintroduce the contestants killed in the outset season's finale, implying this as their fate. Bubble and Bloom take since been brought back once again. In IDFB, Woody is brought back, only to be burned. All the previously killed contestants are brought back for BFB, including Woody.
- Impale 'Em All:
- The cold opens of BFDI 13 and fourteen take a go at it, with half-dozen and 8 characters dying respectively.
- In BFDI 24, everyone merely the Announcer and David is eaten by bugs.
- In BFB, episode 14 sets a new tape - by the end of the episode, but 29 out of 54 contestants are confirmed to be alive.
- BFB 27 kills everyone past the finish of the challenge except for 4, Ten, and Teardrop.
- Kill It with Fire: Many of the contestants are flammable, so they burn easily. Many are besides unfortunate enough to dice after running into Firey. Ice Cube is a frequent victim since she can cook. Leafy spends a lot of fourth dimension with Firey late in season i and burns when she tries to salvage him from falling in h2o.
- Kill It with Water: Since Firey is fabricated of burn down, he is frequently extinguished with water.
- Kissing In A Tree: Coiny does this to Tennis Ball and Golf Ball, consummate with doing poses.
- Larynx Noise: Quite a few characters accept very androgynous voices.
- Police force Of 100: In Episode 18, the scoreboard is downgraded due to upkeep cuts. Information technology tin no longer concord triple-digit numbers, so anything that hits one-hundred loops back to zero. This works confronting Pencil, who wins the competition but goes up for elimination.
- Loads and Loads of Characters: Throughout all five seasons there are 67 total contestants solitary, and that's not even counting the hosts and recommended characters.
- Multipart Episode: Every competitive season has 1 - the premiere in Season one, episode 5 of Flavor 2 (four parts and a video game), and episodes 13-14 of Season iv.
- Dainty Girl: Leafy. Played straight in the first 24 episodes but later subverted in the last episode when she selfishly buys Dream Island for herself, alienating the other contestants (sans Firey).
- Prissy Shoes: The Non-Skid Shoes And so Ha.
- No Budget: In-Universe, The Journalist oft mentions things being sold or cutting back because of "budget cuts".
- The testify near gets cancelled in BFB 29 due to this.
- No Fourth Wall: They are very aware they are on a competition prove, oftentimes calling what is currently going on role of an "episode", rather than a more full general term note i.e. twenty-four hours, week, calendar month, year, fortnight.... The characters as well refer to viewers of the prove by proper name.
- The characters may mayhap know that they are fictional characters. They fifty-fifty know David (and possibly Dora) look(s) like (a) human(south), despite not knowing exactly what they are.
- Not-Indicative Name:
- Sure episodes have names which make no sense to their contents. For example, "Gardening Hero" has absolutely nil to practice with gardening for the contestants.
- Team Water ice Cube in BFB - Water ice Cube is not on it. This is Lampshaded multiple times.
- Non-Standard Graphic symbol Design:
- David and Dora are both stick figure humans.
- Yellow Face is... a crudely drawn yellow face.
- Oh, My Gods!: Every character has their ain "OMG", unremarkably referencing their origin/creation. Hither is a list of them.
- Just Sane Homo: Although the cast are goofy and wacky, in that location's times where the contestants are level-headed. The examples are Tennis Ball, Fries, Nickel, Gaty, Eraser, Tree, Blocky, Pie, Donut, Blackness Hole, and a few others.
- Power Trio: A few.
- The nigh notable trios are Blocky, Eraser and Pen, as well as Pencil, Match and Bubble. Nonetheless, starting in BFDIA, doubt begins to spread amid Pencil, Match and Bubble and the group falls apart a few episodes into BFB.
- The newbie brotherhood Gelatin, Lollipop, and Teardrop.
- Existent Men Wear Pink: Eraser thinks that pink is a manly color. This is probably because he himself is pink.
Eraser: What was that for?
Snowball: The balloons were PINK! Pink is too girly!
Eraser: I would disagree. I retrieve pinkish is quite manly! - Revenge Before Reason: Needle volition automatically slap anyone who calls her "Needy". Others sometimes employ it to their advantage.
- Riding into the Dusk: The final episode, when Firey and Leafy hang-glide abroad at the very end.
- Running Gag: Several.
- Golf Ball announcing her gamble of winning after elimination.
- Tennis Ball beingness referred to as "That clumsy Lawn tennis Ball".
- Needle slapping anyone who calls her "Needy".
"Don't call me Needy!"
- Things being sold or cut back due to "upkeep cuts".
- Yellow Confront's commercials for completely nonsensical products, such equally "Revolutionary Headphones" in "Bowling, Now With Explosions", or the "Bubble Transformer" in "Puzzling Mysteries".
- The "Blocky'southward Funny Doings International" segments, where Blocky pulls cruel pranks on contestants.
- Rocky's vomiting.
- Eraser'due south "WHICH IS?!"
- Flower's threats to the announcer or viewers.
- The contestants forgetting the Announcer'due south name.
- Golf Ball accidentally naming her teams while coming up with a decent proper name, since the 9th episode and except for BFDIA. All three of her teams since then have the word "proper noun" in them.
- Water ice Cube existence expelled from Cake at Pale due to not existence on the losing team.
- Gelatin mentioning how there isn't enough room on something small-scale, and then ane or more contestants fall (usually pushed off by Gelatin). This gets reversed in BFB 15, where Gelatin himself is pushed into the lava by Bloom.
- Sadist Show: Has become this over time, with the TLC and viewers having the ability to vote someone to go inside at that place, non to mention getting eaten alive or frozen.
- Saying Likewise Much: When Leafy steals Dream Isle, this line gives information technology abroad.
- "Shaggy Dog" Story: Season 1 ends up similar this. See Darker and Edgier higher up.
- Ship Tease:
- Tennis Ball and Golf Ball are Birds of a Feather thanks to their similar interests and are therefore inseparable. Coiny seems to exist a Shipper on Deck for them, much to Golf game Ball's chagrin.
- Coiny and Pin are, as Coiny puts it, "partners in criminal offense" thanks to their many strategies in BFDIA. When Pivot worries nearly Loser's potential elimination and if the rest of her team can part without him, Coiny reminds her of her leadership skills and their excellent teamwork, successfully cheering her up.
Coiny: At that place'southward null to be afraid of, Pin. I promise.
- Subverted with Lollipop and Barf Bag. Lollipop forcefully shaking Barf Bag's arms can hands exist mistaken for the two of them dancing, when in reality, Lollipop was mocking her by making her do the arm-fluttering gesture to change the subject at paw, and the two of them do not get forth overall.
- Shout-Out:
- In "Puzzling Mysteries", Coiny states he is contributing to the sound of silence.
- A few of the recommended characters in 'Vomitaco' are Ash and Brock. Mario, Luigi, Princess Peach, and a poorly-drawn clone of Luigi appear in Bowling, At present with Explosions!
- Upon falling into a bottomless pit, Leafy remarks that when you autumn into a bottomless pit, you die of starvation.
- A stickfigure version of Dora the Explorer makes a cameo in Vomitaco and becomes a major character in season two.
- Leafy twice uses the power to blue-skidoo into a map.
- Blossom'south name for the contrary of Dream Isle is "Nightmare Moon".
- One of the cast's "favorite screens" is a silhouette of Abraham Lincoln, alluding to an Easter Egg in the Homestar Runner curt "Fluffy Puff Commercial"
- BFDIA'due south fourth episode, "Zeeky Boogy Doog". Information technology gets used in the episode proper as Firey's suggestion for the name of the new Dream Isle; later he suggests it, Bomby falls into a nearby incinerator (with anticipated results).
- Slapstick Knows No Gender: The characters will slap each other when offended, regardless of gender.
- Sole Survivor: Firey in BFDI, and Pencil in the unreleased prequel series.
- Sore Loser: Snowball, Pencil, and Bloom (multiple times) all attempt to destroy Announcer once they're voted off.
- Space Episode: "Gardening Hero", Episode twenty of BFDI, takes place in space considering of budget cuts. Aye, that's the championship. BFB xx as well takes place in space.
- The Speechless:
- Teardrop cannot (or chooses not to) talk, and instead communicates using facial expressions and other nonverbal gestures.
- Rocky was able to talk, merely, co-ordinate to Lawn tennis Ball, he forgot how to talk in episode 4.
- Stylistic Suck: All of the fake "commercials" in the show are very crudely blithe.
- Sudden Anatomy: A lot of the characters, despite having no fingers, somehow grow them when counting, pointing, et cetera. It'south also incredibly exaggerated sometimes, like right here
- Super Strength: Every character seems to possess this to some degree, specially in the starting time episode, where physics are at their wildest, but special mention goes to Flower, who can choice upwards the Chief Recovery Center effortlessly, Bubble who can lift all of Team Ice Cube including SPONGY, and Loser, who can lift big, heavy baskets with ease.
- Tertiary Sexual Characteristics: Averted with most female characters, due to their nature every bit inanimate objects with no eyelashes. Specially noticeable when Larynx Dissonance is also an consequence with a character, particularly Leafy. Played (relatively) direct with Flower and Puffball.
- Un-Canceled: In-Universe. The Announcer threatens to cancel BFDI if the vote tally goes down again in "Don't Pierce My Flesh". He fulfills the promise in the next episode, but decides to continue the prove by the stop of it. BFB 29 also cancels BFB by the beginning but it comes back by the cease.
- Unreadably Fast Text: Every time yous encounter some text, pause the video. You'll probably be wasting your time, though.
- Unrealistic Black Hole: The black hole in Episode twenty doesn't act too strangely... until it is sold because of budget cuts. And then in BFB, information technology became alive and joined the contest.
- The Unreveal:
- Played with. On Needle's elimination, Coiny asks Needle why she doesn't like beingness called "Needy". However, before she tin answer, she is flung to the TLC.
- The finish of BFDI also qualifies. We never notice out what Dream Island looks like.
- Valley Girl: Lucifer.
- Verbal Tic: Exaggerated. David says near nothing but "Aw, seriously?"
- Vocal Evolution: Many of the characters' voices have gotten significantly deeper since the start of the show, due to the creators striking puberty.
- Bubble'southward vocalization started out loftier pitched and pronouncing many vowels with an "oi" sound. This attribute remained, but information technology got deeper as early as episode 2. However, starting with "Don't Lose Your Marbles", her voice got higher and more nasal, nearly sounding she has a cold. Information technology got even college in Season 2.
- Firey's vocalism got lower over time, as Coiny's also got lower, just less raspy.
- Match'south voice too got higher once again in Flavor 2.
- In her first advent in "Reveal Novum", Ruby had a very loftier, raspy voice. However, information technology got much clearer in Season ii.
- Rocky'south vocalism was fairly high in its first appearance, but when he talked again in "Rescission", his voice somehow got even higher.
- Past the time IDFB was released, Needle became impossible to voice because of her loftier pitch. Cary had to enquire for some other voice histrion in ane of his other videos.
- The Voiceless: Woody and Rocky. The former often whines whenever he feels nervous or terrified, and the latter unremarkably minds his own business. However, Rocky spoke at the beginning of the first flavour, and Woody spoke at the finale ("Wha? Hi, SB!" and "Leafy?", respectively).
- Vomit Indiscretion Shot:
- Rocky does this almost all the time.
- Pivot also vomits on Woody in Episode 1.
- Voted Off the Island: The contestants are usually voted off past viewers, but they sometimes vote each other off.
- Nosotros Hardly Knew Ye:
- Inverted. Flower, the offset to be booted off, eventually returns to the testify, with 57 more votes than Teardrop.
- Played directly with Woody, who was booted off third and doesn't return till IDFB.
- Donut, who was eliminated first in BFDIA, also qualifies.
- Dora only had three speaking roles during her fourth dimension in BFDIA, and two of them were from before she became an official contestant.
- Wham Episode:
- Season 1, "Reveal Novum". Aside from David'southward joining the game, there is likewise the eliminated contestants trying to escape and nearly drowning, Chimera throwing away Leafy'south spring shoes, kickstarting a biting rivalry, and the points beingness downgraded to double-digits.
- Also in season 1, episode 22. The announcer is destroyed, and Firey and Blossom build their ain speaker boxes.
- "Insectophobe'due south Nightmare 2". Leafy dies in a Ferris wheel (this scene was proven crucial for the outcome of the season), and turns out she tin't be recovered. BFDI is also appear to be canceled due to the decrease in viewer votes. So bugs hatch all over the identify, and all remaining contestants run away from them, just to eventually dice. With only David left live, the Announcer tries cloning him to go on the show (which is
United nations-Canceled). And so every single continuity change is reversed like nothing happened.
- And of course, the season 1 finale. Firey wins Dream Island and bans Leafy from it due to the aforementioned Ferris wheel scene. Leafy then buys Dream Island from the Announcer (without Firey knowing) using Yellowish Confront's paper slips. Flower jumps off the slippery slope and destroys the recovery centers, kills Bubble, and then gets crushed by a UFO that abducted multiple contestants before. Woody, who was in that UFO, besides dies from a heart attack. Then the Announcer escapes with all the knock-off speaker boxes. It ends with the cast finding out what Leafy did and sentencing her to the expiry penalisation, only for Firey to save her at the last minute.
- Season 2, "Get Digging" Evil Leafy escaped the TLC and is haunting the Evil Forest.
- Flavor 2, Episode 5a. Leafy returns from Yoyleland, merely to exist crushed by Gelatin's hammer. Pin accidentally stabs Puffball Speaker Box, and gets de-limbed in return. Firey Speaker Box takes over as the host. Pencil's brotherhood (including the recently eliminated Match and Bubble, who was non allowed to enter the contest) forms a tertiary team chosen "FreeSmart". Information technology ends with FreeSmart, GB, TB, and Rocky being Swallowed Whole by Evil Leafy.
- "No More Snow" from Season 2. Two thirds of the main cast (and Evil Leafy) die, the HPRC is destroyed, and the episode ends on the alive contestants spinning the HPHPRCC to get their friends back.
- The very commencement episode of Flavor 3. Firey is trapped in a cage, Woody is revived somehow, Golf Brawl is implied to have a Dark and Troubled Past tied to the Scientific discipline Museum, Pin gets her limbs back just at the cost of her color, and possibly Evil Leafy (by the fashion, she is live over again), and Rocky regained his barfing powers. All this will probably be never explained.
- Season 4, Episode half-dozen. A Meliorate Name Than That executes a program to get rid of Four. Donut now has Iv's powers and personality inside him, and is announced equally the host.
- From the aforementioned season: Episode 10, "Enter the Get out". The characters realize the competition is incommunicable to continue without Iv, and 4 is brought back. We besides learn where the eliminated characters go, and it'due south EXIT, a place inside Four where the people in information technology are doomed to solve mathematical issues forever - and at that place is a rejoin.
- Season 4's episodes 13, 14, and fifteen are massively important. BFB 13/14 shows, amongst other things Ice Cube trying to switch off of Bleh (but is all the same counted as a member), much of Goiky being flooded in lava, many contestants dying in said lava, Book realizing her beliefs confronting Taco has gone too far, and for the outset time ever Bleh is upwardly for elimination. Meanwhile, BFB 15 gives more information on Firey and Leafy'due south friendship for the starting time time since BFDIA, with Firey revealing to Eggy that Leafy stole Dream Island at the end, as well as featuring the return of Clock. In addition, Book now becomes the nigh hated member of Bleh and Taco tries to process her feelings well-nigh Volume saving her.
- And then there is episode 16. The eliminated contestants concoct a plan to escape Exit, and meanwhile, Four is struggling to eliminate Spongy. This prompts the exitors to alter plans and escape through Spongy and, after the remaining BFB contestants grab onto this, showtime trying to help free them while Four tries doing the reverse. Spongy and Loser are the only ones that manage to escape and, in the midst of Four trying to chase them down and reeliminate them, a new character named Two shows up and starts convincing a majority of BFB's cast to switch to their new testify, dubbed The Ability of Two. Many contestants practise then and rub it into Four'southward face. Taco and Volume also finally make upwardly, and the remaining xiv BFB contestants (which include Spongy and Loser) are sent elsewhere to compete for their competition, while TPOT remains where BFB one time took place.
- BFB 22 finally resolves the Firey-Leafy conflict, forms the newbie alliance, Woody and Blocky become friends, and Taco is eliminated past just one vote
- BFB 28 brings dorsum the Announcer while 4 sinks into the earth.
- BFB 29 cancels BFB and reveals that the Announcer hosted BFDIA in cloak-and-dagger.
- Wham Line: From "Render of the Hang Glider":
- Where the Hell Is Springfield?: The show takes place in a state chosen "Goiky", but it is uncertain whether it is a made-upward place on Earth or on a different globe altogether. Goiky is unsaid to be very close to the Due north Pole.
- Globe of Funny Animals: Disputed. The stick figures similar David and Dora are conflicted on whether they count as human(oid) beings or some kind of Animate Inanimate Object. And how are the viewers known in the BFDI world?
- World of Jerkass: Many of the characters are not nice people, and mistreat each other with cruelty.
Tropes added in BFDIA
- Anthropomorphic Food: Many contestants introduced in BFDIA onwards are based on nutrient. note Cake, Donut, Eggy, Fries, Gelatin, Lollipop and Taco
- Beautiful Void: The Long-lost Yoyle City is a beautifully rendered city with no inhabitants.
- Blatant Lies: Match and Chimera disguise themselves as trees right in front of Firey's replacement speaker box's eyes (if it has any). In BFB 18 Bubble Gelatin and Lollipop all try to pretend to be Flower and the worst part is, Firey falls for information technology.
- Brick Joke: On episode 5a, Book slaps Match because they collection past a library, saying "it'south the rule", and so mentions that she tin can reciprocate it if they pass a matchstick mill. In episode 5e, exactly that happens.
- Chekhov's Gun: Leafy's map of Goiky helps her win the long leap competition in BFDI Episode 21. At the beginning of BFDIA, she uses it again when Pin and the others are chasing her.
- Cut Short: After BFDIA was on hiatus for 3 years, some "deleted scenes" from the nonexistent sixth episode were released before the series was rebooted with IDFB, the third flavour. IDFB was also cut brusk with just a unmarried episode before some other year-long hiatus and reboot with BFB.
- Decoy Protagonist: In the intro of BFDIA, Leafy is the eye of attention as she runs away from a mob of one-time contestants. She uses her map to escape to Yoyleland, and Pivot rips the map to trap her there.
- Deus ex Machina: In BFDIA episode 5e, Due west.O.A.H. Bunch has only walked three miles and is about to lose. Nevertheless, Coiny manages to throw a stick 2,760 miles and hits a button on the FreeSmart SuperVan, which picks upwardly Needle. The residue of the team clings onto her, and they make information technology to Yoyleland, climb the mount, and get second place.
- In BFB viii, Saw is the one answering questions for BLEH and she won't end screaming "EIGHT!", but and so i of the questions is "What is the past tense of 'eat'?". The reply is of course "ate", which sounds similar "eight", so BLEH is rubber.
- In BFB 17, the Have Cots are well-nigh to win when they realize they forgot Teardrop, so X goes flying into the Have Nots, giving them the win.
- In BFB 23, Teardrop kills Gelatin and Iv happens to hear Gelatin screaming to death and recovers him, and the bars happen to be made of paper-thin so the Accept Cots win.
- Diabolus ex Machina: In BFDI 18 Pencil loses for getting over a hundred points because of budget cuts. In BFDI 20 Firey'southward spaceship disappears due to budget cuts. Conversely, Team No-Name loses the claiming when Puffball lets her team get eaten past a giant fish considering of her greed for prizes. In BFB 25 Leafy and Woody are up for elimination because their totems were given to them by Purple Face up.
- Fake-Out Opening:
- BFDIA episode four has a "Battle For Null" opening when the contestants realize that Leafy stole Dream Isle back in the first season.
- BFB episode 10 has a similar "opening" that features all eliminated and dead characters missing, alive characters appearing in their state in the show (like Tree being stuck inside Bottle), Four existence missing from the ending, X beingness sorry about it, and the title being "Boxing for Nothing". The regular opening is played subsequently in the episode when Four comes back.
- Gambit Roulette: W.O.A.H. Bunch wins the second challenge by using yoyleberry seeds, which were obtained by literally spinning the prize wheel and landing on the correct spot.
- Jump Scare:
- In episode ii of season two. Yous know Evil Leafy's going to magically jump across the cliff and appear in forepart of the others and it will nevertheless brand yous leap.
- Played for Laughs in BFB 13. Eraser and Chips are waiting for the next competition because 4 and X have a blank look on their faces, something they apparently do before an announcement. So Ten of a sudden drills through the basis, and the two have shocked expressions.
- Prissy, Mean, and In-Between: Of FreeSmart, Bubble and Ruby are nice, Match and Pencil are mean, and Volume and Water ice Cube are in-between.
- Also applies to the Blocky/Eraser/Pen trio from Season 1 and pre-split 4. Pen is the nice, Blocky is the mean, and Eraser is the in-between.
- For the Newbie Brotherhood, Gelatin is nice, Lollipop is mean and Teardrop is in-between.
- No Indoor Vocalization: Yellow Face up. Whenever he says something, he has to yell it, because sometimes no one can hear him when he speaks normal.
"HMM... I SURE Practise!"
- Not the Autumn That Kills Y'all…: This is emphasized when two characters autumn from a cracking height; one is caught just above the ground and saved while the other hits the ground and dies.
- In BFDIA episode 4, a frozen Firey and Tennis Ball are shaken off the Eiffel Belfry. Match catches Firey just before he hits the footing, while Tennis Ball shatters equally he hits the basis.
- In IDFB episode 1, Pencil falls off the Yoyle Needy. Volume and Ice Cube run down to take hold of her, while Ruby-red jumps down the flight of stairs. Book and Ice Cube catch Pencil just earlier she reaches the ground, while Ruby-red shatters on touch.
- Ocular Gushers: In BFDIA 5c, Ruby gains these while she is crying.
- Cardboard Disguise: Lucifer and especially Bubble utilise Gelatin to disguise themselves as trees to be in the game every bit members of FreeSmart. Needless to say, despite the disguises being worn separately, Firey'due south replacement box fails to run into through the disguise. Subverted at the end of the episode, when Match and Bubble are defenseless after their team wins and Gelatin is nowhere near.
- In BFB 18 Flower'south merch is used as this for the Have Cots to disguise as Blossom and information technology surprisingly works.
- Reality Subtext: A mean solar day in real life is a day in-universe. During the three-twelvemonth hiatus of BFDIA, the characters settle downwards in Yoyleland and go virtually their lives.
- Retcon and Sequel Reset: Implied. The beginning of BFDIA seems to undo the final role about Firey saving Leafy, and pretends that the rest of the bandage notwithstanding hates her. BFB 22 after explains why.
- Scenery Porn: Yoyle City, rendered in 3D.
- Serious Business: Coiny convinces Needle to switch teams in BFDIA episode 3 past threatening to call her "Needy". Three times. In a row. Lampshaded past Chips.
- Stock Sound Clip: Ice Cube and Needle speak entirely in recycled lines. Needle stopped doing and so in BFDIA 5a, and Ice Cube got a new line in the aforementioned episode. Merely Water ice Cube reverted back to recycled lines after that (until BFB ane).
- Take a Tertiary Option: FreeSmart. Why switch to WOAH Bunch like a agglomeration of other contestants are doing, when y'all can brand your own team instead?
- Time Abyss: Golf game Ball is implied to be this, as she wrote the BFDI Tips and Tricks volume i billion years ago. If not, it'southward likely Time Travel. But it could likewise be a joke.
- Title Drop: Pretty much every episode in season two has one with the championship of the episode (except for "Insectophobe's Nightmare 3"). BFB episodes 4, 17, twenty, 22, 23 and TPOT one also fall under this.
- True Companions: Teams in BFDI are frequently treated as, just that, teams, with theirs members acting like Vitriolic All-time Buds at best. Nevertheless, come up BFDIA 5a, and while Due west.O.A.H. Agglomeration attempted to invoke this trope prior, we get a natural version of this trope in the form of FreeSmart. The Alliance from prior had been a little bit on the bureaucratic upward until now, just to accept a team of every brotherhood member, real member or substitute, as a Ragtag Agglomeration of Misfits who savour their time with each other is but touching. Each members' roles don't hurt, either.
- Pencil: Rebel Leader
- Match: The Lancer
- Chimera: The Heart
- Ruby: Bumbling Sidekick
- Book: Unfazed Lowest
- Ice Cube: Team Pet
Tropes added in IDFB
- Rearrange the Song: IDFB's theme turns into a redone version of the original song about halfway through.
- Sdrawkcab Proper noun: IDFB is the reverse of BFDI.
Tropes added in BFB
Tropes added in BFDI: The Ability Of 2
Bubble: "Yoylecake!"
BFDIA 5e stinger
Crimson asks how anybody is going to get down from the Yoyle tower, and they had to jump off.
Instance of:
No Escape but Down
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